Monday, January 2, 2012

In the beginning...

I must admit, staring at a blank page is quite daunting.  Just last month, I did the same in hopes of creating something prolific for my college professors when completing my final projects.  Am I a gluten for punishment?  Many who know me may scream ‘YES’!  I plead the 5th...
I've heard how cathartic blogging can be, so I figured I'd give it a try.  Today seemed like a good day to begin - I have a 'thing' with numbers (long story) is 1.2.12  Perfect!
Via this 'online journal', I hope to share what's happening in our family's life, think 'out loud', and .... Well, we'll see what else happens.  First of all, I need to let go of my obsession with finding exactly the right words.  This becomes all-consuming when doing assignments for school.  After all, I’d like this to be a positive experience...not create more stress.  
Today is Day 2 of trying to keep my resolutions:
  1. Be nicer
  2. No more bad language
  3. Be more patient
  4. Exercise (trying to type that one with a straight face)
  5. Going to church EVERY Sunday
So far, I’m pretty good with 1, 2, & 3 - hoping to hit #4 tomorrow (why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?!) and #5 next Sunday.  I’ll be honest when reporting how that goes =0)
Now, off to put this house back together...
Happy reading,

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