Friday, January 6, 2012

Back from hiatus...

Ahhh.. it's FRIDAY!  Why on earth is it that a short week in the school system feel like TWO weeks?!

Since I last posted, I have been busy writing emails/letters to important people - though if you're reading this, not more important than YOU! =0)  As such, I've kinda been out of words - most people who know me might not believe that's actually possible.

Wednesday was an insanely rough and trying day at home.  Keeping true to my resolution to be more patient, I managed to speak calmly without yelling while handling a behavior situation at home with a certain, to-smart-for-your-own-good 7 year-old.  Unfortunately, this exchange lasted for quite a bit.

While all this was going on, my blood pressure was reaching astronomical heights, which is a feat being that I typically have low blood pressure, and my heart seemed to be pounding harder & faster than thought humanly possible.  Taking note of all of this, I'm thinking to myself "On the outside, I appear calm, in control, and mature.  However, I'm exploding on the inside."

My question is: how do I get my insides to match my outside?!  (Feel free to answer!) Who knew being more patient would bring other issues to the service?

....this is something that will probably take some time to sort out...

Happy reading,

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