Sunday, January 8, 2012

A hissing pig...

Well, at least that’s what it sounds like phonetically: HHSSN PPG...
So, what does it mean?  Funny story (maybe not really) -
It came to me during a much-needed, 80-minute deep-tissue massage.  Still contemplating the new year & how it hasn’t started, or continued for that matter, quite the way I wanted, expected, planned...
I was thinking I really want to be and have the power to be happy, humble, selfless, spiritual, NICE, patient, positive, and grateful However, becoming a hissing pig will require a complete overhauling of how I think, react, interact, and live each day.  Am I up for it?  I guess that really remains to be seen, but I’ll surely give it the best I’ve got!
When I picture those words and what each represents, I’m overcome with peace & the utmost feels - well, beautiful....yet, seemingly unattainable. 
Wouldn’t you like to be a hissing pig? If so, I bet that’s something you never thought you say =0)  Maybe we all can be....
On a different note, I ‘made good’ on a couple of my resolutions: 
  • Go to church EVERY Sunday.  One down, countless others to go...
  • Exercise..  We had our first Family Fitness class this afternoon.  All four of us had fun...and my dormant muscles are now complaining.  This  kind of complaining I don’t mind so much =)  I’m looking forward to next week...
I believe I’ve reached the end of my attention span for now.  I would love to read so many others’ blogs, but the ones I’ve seen tend to be soooooo long!  With the few minutes of not attending to the half-pints, I can never commit to that.  But I love you all just the same...
Happy reading & hssoink,

Friday, January 6, 2012

Back from hiatus...

Ahhh.. it's FRIDAY!  Why on earth is it that a short week in the school system feel like TWO weeks?!

Since I last posted, I have been busy writing emails/letters to important people - though if you're reading this, not more important than YOU! =0)  As such, I've kinda been out of words - most people who know me might not believe that's actually possible.

Wednesday was an insanely rough and trying day at home.  Keeping true to my resolution to be more patient, I managed to speak calmly without yelling while handling a behavior situation at home with a certain, to-smart-for-your-own-good 7 year-old.  Unfortunately, this exchange lasted for quite a bit.

While all this was going on, my blood pressure was reaching astronomical heights, which is a feat being that I typically have low blood pressure, and my heart seemed to be pounding harder & faster than thought humanly possible.  Taking note of all of this, I'm thinking to myself "On the outside, I appear calm, in control, and mature.  However, I'm exploding on the inside."

My question is: how do I get my insides to match my outside?!  (Feel free to answer!) Who knew being more patient would bring other issues to the service?

....this is something that will probably take some time to sort out...

Happy reading,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

And the verdict is...

Well, I'm doing 'eh' on my resolutions.  I'm hoping you all are doing much better.

Resolution update:
#1 ...doing pretty good with this one but it's turning out to be harder than I thought.  Is that bad? What does that say about me?  Do I even want to know the answers to those questions? last count, I have violated this one about 5x.  $*@#!  (That doesn't count =) Thank goodness tomorrow's a new day!

#3...did GREAT the first day...the next - much harder than the first, but I'm not giving up.

#4...ZERO progress on this one.  My 61 year-old mother is kicking my tail on this one.  She's been doing the Shred DVD with Jillian (blah!) even before the new year started.  How on earth does she have more energy and resolve than me?!  I'll keep trying...

#5...Sunday's not here yet, so I'll let you know about this one next week.

Not too much more to share, so I'm keeping it short & sweet like me - though, by the looks of #1 maybe this isn't an accurate statement ?!  I'll sleep on it...

Happy reading,

Monday, January 2, 2012

In the beginning...

I must admit, staring at a blank page is quite daunting.  Just last month, I did the same in hopes of creating something prolific for my college professors when completing my final projects.  Am I a gluten for punishment?  Many who know me may scream ‘YES’!  I plead the 5th...
I've heard how cathartic blogging can be, so I figured I'd give it a try.  Today seemed like a good day to begin - I have a 'thing' with numbers (long story) is 1.2.12  Perfect!
Via this 'online journal', I hope to share what's happening in our family's life, think 'out loud', and .... Well, we'll see what else happens.  First of all, I need to let go of my obsession with finding exactly the right words.  This becomes all-consuming when doing assignments for school.  After all, I’d like this to be a positive experience...not create more stress.  
Today is Day 2 of trying to keep my resolutions:
  1. Be nicer
  2. No more bad language
  3. Be more patient
  4. Exercise (trying to type that one with a straight face)
  5. Going to church EVERY Sunday
So far, I’m pretty good with 1, 2, & 3 - hoping to hit #4 tomorrow (why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?!) and #5 next Sunday.  I’ll be honest when reporting how that goes =0)
Now, off to put this house back together...
Happy reading,